Business Location

We locate our business offices at home and abroad
to meet our customer requirements.

Business Location Business Location

Office Locations

Head Office & Oshima Shipyard

1605-1 Oshima-cho, Saikai-city, Nagasaki 857-2494
Tel: +81-959-34-2711
Fax: +81-959-34-3006

Google map 

Koyagi Shipyard

5-34, Koyagi-machi, Nagasaki-City,Nagasaki 851-0310
Tel: +81-95-801-5510
Fax: +81-95-801-5515

Google map 

Tokyo Office

VPO Higashinihonbashi 3rd floor, 3-4-13, Higashinihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0004 Japan
Tel: +81-3-6661-9035
Fax: +81-3-6661-9097

Google map 

Osaka Office

Daizo Bldg. 4th floor, 1-201 Fukuzaki 3-chome, Minato-ku, Osaka 552-0013
Tel: +81-6-6577-2601
Fax: +81-6-6577-2609

Google map 

Kyushu Business Office

Hakata Daiichi-seimei bldg. 2nd floor, 4-1 Hakataekimae 1-chome, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka 812-0011
Tel: +81-92-418-1566
Fax: +81-92-418-1568

Google map 

Nagasaki Business Office

Sasebo Chuo bldg. 6th floor, 3-2 Tokiwa-cho, Sasebo-city, Nagasaki 857-0053
Tel: +81-956-56-3900
Fax: +81-956-59-5775

Google map 

Nagasaki Office

Okuboshinkan Bldg. 301, 9-22, Daikoku-cho, Nagasaki-city Nagasaki 850-0057

Google map 

Sasebo Office

Sasebo Chuo bldg. 6th floor, 3-2 Tokiwa-cho, Sasebo-city, Nagasaki 857-0053
Tel: +81-956-26-0950
Fax: +81-956-25-2662

Google map 

Seihi Office

951-5, Shimodake-go, Seihi-cho, Saikai-city, Nagasaki 851-3311
Tel: +81-959-34-5786
Fax: +81-959-27-1114

Google map 

Hiroshima Business Office

2nd Kyotani bldg. 6th floor, 2-7-17 Hikari-machi, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima-city, Hiroshima 732-0052
Tel: +81-82-568-2866
Fax: +81-82-568-2867

Google map 

Kagoshima Business Office

50-29, Murasakibaru Kagoshima-city, Kagoshima 890-0082
Tel: +81–99-263- 8500
Fax: +81–99-263-8503

Google map 

Hanoi Office

15th floor, VIT Tower, 519 Kim Ma, Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84-024-2220-9176

Google map 

London Office(Oshima Shipbuilding Europe Limited)

Two Kingdom Street, 6th Floor, Paddington, London, United Kingdom, W2 6BD

Google map