As a local company with a motto “Oshima is our hometown”,
we offer world class products and service.

President Message
Makoto Yamaguchi, President
Oshima Shipyard concentrates its management resources on bulk carrier production. We are working on delivering high-quality products to customers day and night.
We aim to be “Learning Organization”. As individuals learn, so must organizations. Taking on new challenges and even if we fail, it is important to learn the lessons from failures and make the company stronger. We, Oshima Shipyard members learn continuously from each other, expand our capabilities mutually, and aim to achieve new goals hand in hand. I believe this will lead to the growth of Oshima Shipyard for the future.
Our mottoes are “Be Cheerful, Be Strong and Be Exciting” and “Be a Distinctive world number one bulker shipyard”. “Management based on extended-family principle” and “Spirit of the community” has been the pillars of our business principles since the foundation of the company.
Following the direction set by predecessors, we will faithfully build ships which satisfy customer needs, and through the construction of quality ship we will contribute to the society.